These are the initiatives I collaborate with in order to share knowledge about science and the world that surrounds us.


Skype a scientist

Do you want to meet a scientist? Skype a Scientist is a program that connects scientists of any area of research with groups of people of all ages through videoconferences.

Skype a Scientist has reached more than 11,000 classrooms all over the world, in more than 40 countries.


MYcrobes: We make your unseen microbes seen

The Gerardo Lab has founded MYcrobes.

To demonstrate the abundance of the microbes around us without the use of microscopes, the Mycrobes team asks individuals to provide samples of their own microbes. Microbes are sampled from different parts of the human body, from clothing, and from possessions such as cell phones or purses. Participants use a sterile cotton swab to pick up microbes and then rub this across a sterile plastic plate called a Petri dish. The MYcrobes team then takes pictures of the Petri dishes. Overtime, colonies (microbes of the same kind) begin to form and can be seen. No longer are microbes hidden from view, but now can be seen in their true forms.


Science Art Wonder

The Science.Art.Wonder program couples artists and scientists to experience science through visual arts.

We showcase the resulting art in various events in Atlanta - including the Atlanta Science Festival - where you can meet the amazing artists as well as the scientists!.